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From the archives

The Superpower Next Door

Bully for you — but at what cost?

Meanwhile In Another Forest…

Canada’s trees, and the long history of another era’s resource war

Stars and Swipes

Shared moments and diverging paths

Jack Layton

Jack Layton, leader of the New Democratic Party, died on August 22. This passage is excerpted from his foreword to Canadian Idealism and the Philosophy of Freedom: C.B. Macpherson, George Grant and Charles Taylor, by Robert Meynell (McGill‐Queen’s University Press, 2011). Reproduced with permission.

Articles by
Jack Layton

Canadian Idealism

An excerpt October 2011
Readers of this book, Canadian Idealism and the Philosophy of Freedom: C.B. Macpherson, George Grant and Charles Taylor, are fortunate; they will be exploring the tradition of Canadian philosophical idealism. I was at least as fortunate, years ago, because my initial contact with the subject was firsthand and personal, and had a profound impact on…