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For more than thirty years, the award-winning Literary Review of Canada has provided a lively space for curious writers, thinkers, illustrators, and readers to engage ideas and, especially, Canadian books.
In 2010, we established the Literary Review of Canada Charitable Organization (no. 848431490RR0001) to support our unique publication. Since then, we have welcomed transformative donations from individual supporters and public-spirited organizations alike.
Please consider joining our growing community of supporters and multi-year donors. By doing so, you’ll help sustain a one-of-a-kind forum for important discussions and increasingly rare Canadian books coverage.
(In addition to the embedded form below, you can support us directly through our online CanadaHelps profile.)
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Send a cheque to:
Literary Review of Canada
4 Devonshire Place
Toronto, ON M5S 2E1
Donations of $10 or more will receive a year-end tax receipt to the cheque address, if none other is specified.
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We can also accept donations of securities — including shares, bonds, and mutual funds — to support vital national discussions of Canadian books, culture, and public affairs.
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2024 Donor Recognition
$20,000 and Above
David W. Binet
The Chawkers Foundation
Scott & Krystyne Griffin*
Rosamond Ivey
MakeWay Foundation (Communications & Broadcasting Canadian Trust Fund)
Richard Rooney*
Andrew Stewart
Michael Adams & Thuy Nguyen
Roger & Kevin Garland
Ira Gluskin & Maxine Granovsky Gluskin Charitable Foundation
Jackman Foundation
Tom Kierans & Mary Janigan
John Macfarlane
George Cedric Metcalf Charitable Foundation
Gerald Sheff & Shanitha Kachan Family Foundation
David Staines
N. A. Taylor Foundation
Sara Angel
Margaret Atwood
Marilyn & Charles Baillie Family Foundation
Lawrence Bennett
Butterfield Family Foundation
Donna Dasko
Michael & Honor de Pencier Foundation
Trevor Dickie & Kyle Wyatt*
Bronwyn Drainie*
Brian J. Gibson
Robert Graham
Charlotte Gray & George Anderson
Beth Haddon & Tim Draimin
Margaret MacMillan
David M. Malone
Patrick Martin
Mary Angela Rowe
Up to $4,999
Richard Balfour
Marielle Andrée Beauchamp
Brian Bell
Vali Bennett
Gloria Bishop
Sarah Bohnet
Murray Campbell
Robert Cook
Patrice Dutil
Garfield Emerson
Sheila Eskenazi & Joseph Graham
Graham Fraser
Mark Fried & Elizabeth Hay
Gerald Friesen
Mike & Betty Gibbins
John Gilbert*
Louise Goldberg
John Gross
Joel Henderson
John & Janet Irving
Suanne Kelman
Stephen T. Koerner
Lise-Anne Lavigne*
Lindy Ledohowski
Bernard Léveillé
Robert Lewis
Rebecca Luce-Kapler
David MacKenzie
Peter Maslowski
Eithne McCredie
Emily Mernin
Caroline Noël
Anna Porter
Chris Reid
Susan Reisler
Donald Roebuck
Walter Ross
Julien Russell Brunet
Linda Russell
Luke Shwart
Donald Smith
Sam Solecki
James Stewart
Michael & Sarah Strizic
Julie Thorburn
David Venn
Joyce Wayne
Grace Westcott
Jessica Duffin Wolfe
Daniel Woolf

The magazine truly appreciates all Founding Members of Bookworm, indicated above with asterisks. We also thank those who have helped with additional financial, logistical, and moral support, and those who have given in kind.