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February 2018

Melanie Lambrick Melanie Lambrick is an illustrator based in Montreal, Quebec. Her clients include the New York Times, Washington Post, Fortune magazine, and the BBC. When she isn’t drawing, Melanie is busy as a plant mother and cat mother, implementing urban homesteading experiments, writing, and looking for ways to be outside.

The Enlightenment Trap

Why a new Age of Reason won't save us

Andrew Potter

The Anorexic Home

Swedish death cleaning, Japanese life cleaning, and décor disorder

Mireille Silcoff

The Cost of Cheap Money

The way forward for Canada as economic signals flash yellow

David Dodge

Slavery's Long Afterlife in the North

The anti-Blackness that thrives in the shadow of America’s more blatant record

Mona Eltahawy

The last Queen of Canada?

What comes next for Canada and the Crown

John Fraser

The Instant of Disappearance

Three works, and a single moment in Jordan Tannahill’s mind

José Teodoro

“I should just let this entire region spiral off”

Intimate reflections from a pair of father-and-son tyrants

Naben Ruthnum

Quiet, and Not Entirely a Revolution

Claude Ryan and Quebec Catholicism’s last stand

Graham Fraser

Shortcuts across the Top of the World

Fighting Lady Franklin, and Canada, in the Far North

A.F. Moritz