Back Issues
January–February 2009

Cover art and pictures throughout the issue by Ryan Dodgson.
Ryan Dodgson is a graduate of the illustration program at the Ontario College of Art and Design. His work has appeared in such publications as Creative Quarterly and The Believer. He recently won a bronze medal from 3x3 Magazine, and is working on a series exploring the personalities of buildings in and around the city of Toronto.
Haiti's Fallible Hero
Conferring sainthood on Aristide does not confront the country’s deepest problems.
Paul KnoxThe Life of a Great Man
Both domestically and internationally, Pearson made his mark.
Anthony WestellThe Real Citizen Kane
A Canadian journalist revisits the colourful life of a U.S. newspaper magnate.
Sir Christopher OndaatjeGetting the Real Story
Investigative journalism is tough, expensive and essential.
Fred Vallance-JonesAssisted Living or Assisted Suicide?
The mysterious misadventures of four senior citizens.
John LownsbroughLetting Us Off the Hook
Corruption needs to be dealt with in rich as well as poor countries of the world.
Madelaine DrohanAn Activist's Angry Disposition
Will the Vancouver Olympics be contributing to a soiled history?
Geoff Smith