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Illustrators Cécile Gariépy (cover) is an illustrator based in Montreal. Her portfolio includes work for clients from the New York Times to Aesop, and an annual birthday card for her mother. Illustration for "This is not a simulation" by Kirsten McCrea (

The New Campus Puritanism

Free speech, safe spaces, and the limits of tolerance

Ira Wells

The Brute Within

Masculinity’s trap and the future of men

Jack Urwin

Half-man, Half-horse

The gloriously protean history of the horse-human bond

Eugenia Zuroski

The PM as Dictator

The ultimate Harper insider on a theory of concentrated power

Paul Wells

“This is not a simulation”

Inner and outer beasts of girlhood

Madhur Anand

Everything is Illuminated

Our fascination with bioluminescence

Irina Kovalyova

Diversity and the Problem of Belonging

Will Kymlicka in conversation with Chandran Kukathas

Chandran Kukathas and Will Kymlicka

Writing the Life

Trauma, fame, and the reader who cannot be trusted

Rahat Kurd

Celebrity Picaresque

Where sex, violence, and terrible taste collide

Adam Nayman

A Paler Shade of Red

Reading Trudeau from the left

Luke Savage