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From the archives

The Envoy

Mark Carney has a plan


Old stories of a new virus

Golden Boy

The life of John Turner

What Price Independence?

Two books help set the stage for the impending Canadian election.

Thomas S. Axworthy

Too Close for Comfort: Canada's Future within Fortress North America

Maude Barlow

McClelland and Stewart

300 pages, softcover

ISBN: 0771010885

Globalization Unplugged: Sovereignty and the Canadian State in the Twenty-First Century

Peter Urmetzer

University of Toronto Press

232 pages, hardcover

ISBN: 0802037992

Thomas S. Axworthy served as senior policy advisor and principal secretary to Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau. He is currently secretary-general of the InterAction Council and public policy chair at Massey College, University of Toronto.

