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From the archives

A Noble Departure

The lost art of standing down

Campaign Literature

Displaying Trudeau's charm and empathy—which might not be enough

Liberal Interpretations

Making sense of Justin Trudeau and his party

The Change

D.S. Martin is the author of three poetry collections: Conspiracy of Light (Cascade), Poiema (Wipf and Stock), and the chapbook So the Moon Would Not Be Swallowed (Rubicon). His poems have appeared in Canadian Literature, Carousel, The Christian Century, Crannog, The Dalhousie Review, Event, and Queen’s Quarterly. He is the series editor for the Poiema Poetry Series from Cascade Books, and the editor of the new anthologies, The Turning Aside, and Adam, Eve, & the Riders of the Apocalypse. He is poet-in-residence at McMaster Divinity College.

