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From the archives

This Is America

A promissory note not yet paid

The Silver Scream

On heebie-jeebies past and present

Family Pride

Profiles in gay life

Kelvin Browne

The Family Way

Christopher DiRaddo

Esplanade Books

400 pages, softcover and ebook

Burning the Night

Glen Huser

NeWest Press

272 pages, softcover and ebook

If you were gay and born in the 1950s, as I was, your teenage years were likely spent ferreting out books that spoke to your suppressed longings. Of course, there were more texts with homosexual undertones and overtones than I ever realized back then. But they didn’t line the shelves of the local library in the small Okanagan Valley town where I grew up. Neither could they be found in the nearby bookstore, which mostly featured a sanitized assortment of cookbooks and religious tomes.

Even when I did stumble across something interesting, I didn’t always grasp exactly what I was reading. Oscar Wilde was famously homosexual, but I didn’t make the connection with Dorian Gray — although he seemed like boyfriend material. Similarly, I was only vaguely aware of what was going on in Christopher Isherwood’s A Single Man (I wish Tom Ford’s excellent movie adaptation had been available then). A knowing older friend once recommended Brideshead Revisited, but...

Kelvin Browne is writing a gay romance novel to pass his winter onshore in Nova Scotia.

