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Old stories of a new virus

Back Issues

July-August 2016

Ian Turner Ian Turner is an illustrator and graphic designer who lives in Toronto. He has studied history at the University of Guelph, illustration at Sheridan College and odd people on the subway. His work has appeared in Toronto Life, Reader’s Digest, Cottage Life and everywhere from beer labels to TV shows.

Shadow Cabinet

Bill Graham’s gothic tale of privilege and politics

Hugh Winsor

Coin Toss

Will blockchain undermine or buttress state power?

Taylor Owen

A Niche for Mainstream Journalism

Are journalists helping to create bad public policy?

Madelaine Drohan

Figure of Speech

How language constitutes human consciousness

Jerry White

Stone Diary

Spelunking to categorize the world’s oldest symbols

Salem Alaton

What Makes a Gay Icon?

An attempt to define Canada’s queer pioneers

Susan G. Cole

Fire and Ice in the Academy

The rise of the integrative humanities

Graeme Wynn and Sverker Sörlin


An author recounts her relationship with a convicted murderer

Carol Finlay

Rhetoric Is Territory

On four new books of poems

James Pollock

A Drive in the Country

Things turn eerie and weird in Iain Reid’s debut novel

Damian Tarnopolsky

Sunshine Tales of a Sketchy Little Town

Story collection marked by tenderness for its characters

Lesley Krueger

The Colour of Labour

A road trip into the heart of brownness

Sharanpal Ruprai


A look back at the myth of salacious Shanghai

Christopher Rea

Boundary Issues

Have Canadians and Americans become the same people?

Jeremy Kinsman

CanLit's invisible hand

Ellen Seligman’s editing was a kind of alchemy—to the end, says the author of the Giller-nominated By Gaslight, the last book she edited

Steven Price