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From the archives

Copy Cats

A little from column A, a little from column B

Two Other Solitudes

The India-Canada relationship has taken a long time to develop

Liberal Interpretations

Making sense of Justin Trudeau and his party

upstairs the dogs howl

Bob MacKenzie’s poetry has been published around the world in publications that include the Dalhousie Review, Windsor Review and Ball State University Forum. He has published eleven volumes of poetry and prose-fiction and his work has been featured in numerous anthologies. His poems have been reproduced by visual artists and sculptors and a public art gallery has devoted an entire visual arts exhibition to his poetry, and versions of his poetry are owned by the Canada Council’s National Art Bank. With the performance ensemble Poem de Terre, Bob has performed much of his poetry spoken and sung live with original music and has released six albums. He is currently reading Some Days Just Noticing by G.W. Rasberry and hungree throat by bill bissett.

