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From the archives

Chancing to Rise

Our evolving relationship with China

Brain Trap

A new look at the causes of addiction by a noted neuroscientist

Facing the Future

The decisions to be made about aging in Canada are both personal and public

The Telling Stream


For Richard B. Wright


He binds them without knot, twine or even splice,

binds the agreeable words one to the other and others

like the elements of water they cleave in storied delight

while each continues to expound:

sprung leaves on a rushing stream, unbound.

Merle Nudelman is a lawyer, poet, editor and teacher. Her first collection, Borrowed Light (Guernica, 2003), won the 2004 Canadian Jewish Book Award for Poetry. True as Moonlight, which is her fourth poetry collection, will be released in 2014. Her other books are We, the Women and The He We Knew, both published by Guernica in 2006 and 2010 respectively. She is poetry editor of the journal Parchment.

