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From the archives

Taxi Driver Syndrome

Behind-the-scenes immigration changes are creating new problems on top of old ones

Liberal Interpretations

Making sense of Justin Trudeau and his party

Booze Cruise

Tales of Canadian prohibition

Instructions to a Speaker

Joanna M. Weston has published poetry, reviews and short stories in anthologies and journals for 25 years. Her middle-reader, Those Blue Shoes, was published by Clarity House Press in 2006, the same year that Frontenac House of Calgary published A Summer Father, a collection of poetry. She is currently reading Bruce H. Lipton’s The Biology of Belief and John Burnside’s A Summer of Drowning, having just finished William Golding’s Rites of Passage, Sister Dang Nghiem’s Healing: A Woman’s Journey from Doctor to Nun and Penelope Fitzgerald’s Offshore.

Related Letters and Responses

David MacDonald Guelph, Ontario

Joyce Janzen Nanaimo, BC

Jim Miller Saskatoon

