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Aaron Berhane

Aaron Berhane was born in Asmara, Eritrea, in 1969. Co-founder and former editor-in-chief of Eritrea’s now banned largest independent newspaper, Setit, he escaped arrest in 2001 by fleeing to Sudan and subsequently settling in Toronto. He started Meftih, a monthly newspaper serving Toronto’s 20,000-strong Eritrean community. He is also a member of the Writers in Exile Committee of PEN Canada.

Articles by
Aaron Berhane

Writers in Exile: What Shuts Them Up?

Authors fleeing persecution today are haunted not just by memories, but the ongoing threat of reprisal January–February 2012
This essay is the prelude to a new LRC series, “Exiled Voices: Dispatches from the Lives of Émigré Writers in Canada.” Each month we will feature a series of pieces by a different writer or journalist who, in recent years, arrived in this country as a refugee, fleeing a homeland where their lives were at