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This Is America

A promissory note not yet paid

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A little from column A, a little from column B

Adam Hammond

Adam Hammond is the author of Literature in the Digital Age: A Critical Introduction.

Articles by
Adam Hammond

Only Disconnect

A new book chronicles one man’s struggle to get back inside his own head November 2014
About this time last year, I lived one of the stranger episodes in my 33 years. There I was, a recently graduated English PhD, quietly plying my trade in a classroom at the University of Toronto. Sitting in my office one day, I got a call from CBC Radio, asking me if I would participate in the inaugural Q

Book Is Here

A challenging polemic pits print against on-screen reading January–February 2013
Right now you are reading, and I am writing. And whether you are reading my words on paper or on a screen, you are probably more aware of your chosen medium—more attuned to its characteristics—than the reader of almost any previous generation. Living as we do in a moment of transition, from what Adriaan van der Weel calls “the Order of the Book” to some new order (or disorder) of the…