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Alexander Hollenberg

Alexander Hollenberg holds a PhD in American literature and has been published in Toronto Life, Studies in American Indian Literatures, The Hemingway Review, and Narrative.

Articles by
Alexander Hollenberg

Bringing the War Home

An IED attack in Afghanistan echoes through small-town Newfoundland March 2014
Three military suicides in the span of one week last November put Canadians on notice that whatever wars we thought we were done with are still violently with us. Veterans suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder, as well as a host of other physical injuries, have been forced out of service on early medical discharges, effectively denying them their…

Endearing Assassins

Bloody, funny wrangling over life’s biggest questions January–February 2012
The awards season has been kind to Patrick deWitt this year. His second novel, The Sisters Brothers, recently won the Governor General’s Award for English-language fiction and the Rogers Writers’ Trust Fiction Prize, and it was shortlisted for the Man Booker and the Giller. On a promo on the CBC, staff at House of Anansi…