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This Is America

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A little from column A, a little from column B

Amir Attaran

Amir Attaran is a lawyer and scientist and Canada Research Chair in Law, Population Health and Global Development Policy in the Faculties of Law and Medicine at the University of Ottawa.

Articles by
Amir Attaran

High-Tech Hopes for Global Health

An ambitious and well-heeled development program hits some serious snags April 2012
It takes chutzpah to entitle your book The Grandest Challenge: Taking Live-Saving Science from Lab to Village, but the authors of this brash volume, Abdallah Daar and Peter Singer, have a valid claim to it. Both are senior advisors to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation—the world’s richest charity—in a program just as immodestly called the “Grand Challenges in Global Health,” which aims to innovate and introduce splendid new technologies to make the world’s poorest healthier ((Not to be confused with the Gates Foundation’s other programs that deliver the current interventions of global…

Sex Slaves in Canada

A lucrative criminal trade flourishes under the radar of indifferent governments December 2010
If you are reading this magazine in casual repose, such as in the bedroom or bath, please move to the nearest computer and go to this website: Most likely you will recognize it as the Canadian version of Craigslist, that great entrepôt of used toasters. Click on the largest city near where you…

The Ugly Canadian

Forget middle power. Forget model citizen. We’re becoming one of the bad kids on the block June 2009
On April 22 of this year, a mysterious four-month-long nightmare ended for Robert Fowler and Louis Guay, the Canadian diplomats abducted in Niger by a shadowy group calling itself al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb. Fowler and Guay were on a secret mission for the secretary general of the United Nations, although when they were abducted they were on a private trip to a Canadian-run…