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Andrew Clark

Andrew Clark writes the weekly “Road Sage” humour column for The Globe and Mail. He is the director of the Comedy: Writing and Performance program at Humber College.

Articles by
Andrew Clark

Comedy Between the Covers

New books from a venerable sketch troupe and their internet-era successors April 2012
Canadians take pride in their sketch comedy. We are good at it and we know it. The tradition stretches back into vaudeville, with companies such as The Marks Brothers and the sensational Eva Tanguay and continues through the First World War soldier-troupe The Dumbells, who were a hit in Canada, Britain and on Broadway. In the 1950s and…

Grief Observed

A wisecracking teen grapples with devastating loss. June 2011
Writing a novel with a narrator observer sounds straightforward but, as anyone who attempts it for the first time discovers, it is actually pretty hard to do well. The pitfalls are many: ask any commissioning editor. Often, the observer narrator winds up being a passive stand-in for the author and, instead of a novel with a central story that drives it…

Heroic Banality

A philosophical satire that skewers today’s faux spirituality. January–February 2008

A Royal Farce

A satire envisions Canada with a native son as King. May 2007