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This Is America

A promissory note not yet paid

Campaign Literature

Displaying Trudeau's charm and empathy—which might not be enough

Andrew Heintzman

Andrew Heintzman is the president of Investeco Capital, the first Canadian investment firm to invest exclusively in environmental companies. He is also author of The New Entrepreneurs: Building a Green Economy for the Future (House of Anansi Press, 2010).

Articles by
Andrew Heintzman

Green Enigma

Trying to make sense of current prospects for the environment. March 2016
David is a very common first name, and Boyd is a reasonably common last name, but what is the chance of reviewing two different books about the environment by two different David R. Boyd’s, both of whom are environmental lawyers living on the West Coast? Or at least that was the conclusion that I inevitably drew when I read The Optimistic Environmentalist: Progressing Towards a Greener Future followed by

Healthy Business, Healthy Planet?

The case against green companies is hard to prove June 2013
What is an environmentalist to do? Life used to be so simple. We knew who the bad guys were: large corporations like General Electric and Walmart that were leading the world toward inevitable collapse. The environmentalist’s job was to publicly shame them and to insist on governmental regulation for the public good. Simple. Those were the good old…