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This Is America

A promissory note not yet paid

Campaign Literature

Displaying Trudeau's charm and empathy—which might not be enough

Cara-Lyn Morgan

Cara-Lyn Morgan lives and works in Mississauga, Ontario. Her first book-length collection of poems, What Became My Grieving Ceremony, was released by Thistledown Press in 2014. It explores planes of grief ranging from the specific loss of an individual to the wider, cultural grieving associated with the loss of family stories and cultural identity.

Articles by
Cara-Lyn Morgan


April 2011
  The final months of Patrick’s life my mother tried to make me eat. Enticed with plates of homemade pasta, green pesto, whole wheat rolls yeasty and warm in the centre, peanut butter on salted crackers, coconut curry, and once, a whole chocolate cheesecake with raspberry drizzle.   I tried to eat. A few bites in and everything tasted like…