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This Is America

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A little from column A, a little from column B

Dan Malleck

Dan Malleck won a Clio Prize for Try to Control Yourself: The Regulation of Public Drinking in Post-Prohibition Ontario, in 2013.

Articles by
Dan Malleck

True Brew

Cracking open a refreshing history of Labatt’s December 2019
Name some icons of Canadian ­consumerism. Poutine? Maple syrup? A certain doughnut shop’s coffee? Ketchup potato chips? Of course, many would say beer. Such is the material basis of Canadian identity. Yet sometimes the Canadianness is superficial and fleeting. Maple syrup is not exclusive to Canada; that doughnut shop is owned by a Brazilian investment…

When Good Drugs Go Bad

Two books examine the cultural landscape around tranquilizers and LSD May 2009
We humans tend to like binaries. War and peace, good and evil, Leafs and Habs: they’re simple ways of seeing the world. The problem of course is that life is rarely that simple. Wars are fought for peace; good people can do bad things; and other teams keep winning The Cup. Nowhere is this quest for binaries and their fundamental inadequacy more obvious than when we talk about…