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A little from column A, a little from column B

Darryl Whetter

Darryl Whetter is the author of four books and has taught at four Canadian universities. His books include the novels Keeping Things Whole (Nimbus Publishing, 2013) and The Push and the Pull (Goose Lane Editions, 2008). For more information, see This essay is adapted from an article that will appear in Creative Writing in the 21st Century: Pedagogy, Research and Practice, edited by Priscila Uppal and Rishma Dunlop, to be published by McGill-Queen’s University Press.

Articles by
Darryl Whetter

Can't Lit

How English departments impair creative writing in Canada September 2014
It is hard to find a Canadian visual arts grad ignorant of a technical term like negative space, but it is very easy to find a Canadian creative writing grad ignorant of, say, free indirect style or nested narration or unreliable narrators. For decades in Canada, university education in the visual arts and music has been crucial to the careers and the creativity of artists and classical…