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This Is America

A promissory note not yet paid

Campaign Literature

Displaying Trudeau's charm and empathy—which might not be enough

David J. Bercuson

David J. Bercuson is a professor of history and the director of the Centre for Military and Strategic Studies at the University of Calgary. He is also a senior research fellow of the Canadian Defence and Foreign Affairs Institute.

Articles by
David J. Bercuson

Arms and the Jew

The sweeping history of a troubled, shifting relationship March 2014
Derek Penslar, a historian at the University of Toronto, begins his sweeping account of Jews and the military with an anecdote regarding a talk he gave at a Toronto synagogue about Jewish soldiers in modern armies. After the talk, he asked members of his audience whether any of them had had military service. There were a number of elderly veterans there and others whose fathers or grandfathers had served in the Second World War or Korea and some parents of soldiers serving in…

Plus ça change…

A new focus on cultural intelligence in the military takes us back over well-trodden ground March 2011
Emily Spencer undertakes a daunting task in writing Solving the People Puzzle: Cultural Intelligence and Special Operations Forces. In one short book she tries to introduce and explain the concept of cultural intelligence as applied to contemporary military operations while tying it to special forces operations in what she calls the “contemporary operating environment.” The contemporary operating…