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David Penhale

David Penhale is the author of Passing Through (Cormorant, 2011), a novel reviewed in the January/February 2012 LRC. He lives in Toronto and is working on his second novel.

Articles by
David Penhale

It's Not Easy Being Undead

The travails of a Toronto zombie April 2013
Now that he has been turned into a zombie, Sheldon Funk misses a number of things. Breathing. Yawning. Blowing his nose. Sex, not so much. In the opening pages of Husk, Corey Redekop’s madcap zombie yarn, Sheldon faces a more pressing problem. Two guys in white lab coats are cutting him open and tearing out his vital…

“Dear Sir or Madam...”

A Faulknerian take on oil, revenge and email scams, from Calgary to Lagos June 2012
Will Ferguson’s third novel, 419, opens with a bang. In Calgary, a car hurtles over an embankment and crashes, killing its sole occupant. The accident puzzles the investigating officer. The action shifts to Lagos, Nigeria, where a police inspector is trying to make sense of Laura, a tense young woman who has just flown in from…