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This Is America

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A little from column A, a little from column B

Doug Saunders

Doug Saunders is the international affairs columnist for The Globe and Mail and author of Arrival City: The Final Migration and Our Next World and The Myth of the Muslim Tide.

Articles by
Doug Saunders

Sending Billions Home

How immigrant workers’ remittance payments reshape the world January–February 2015
After traversing kilometres of muddy pathways through flooded rice paddies to enter a village in the most remote northeastern corner of Bangladesh, then dodging oxcarts and hand-pulled rickshaws along earthen streets, I walked through a set of glass doors to find myself facing what might be the world’s most pointless escalator. In a place where a good percentage of families were getting by on less than a dollar a…

The Rights of Refugees

What Europe’s problems can teach Canada about a growing international concern July–August 2011
In August of 2010, a rusty and dangerously overcrowded ship departed from Indonesia and made a long passage across the Pacific Ocean to Canadian coastal waters off British Columbia, where it was intercepted by the Canadian Coast Guard. Its passengers, 492 Tamil-speaking people claiming to be Sri Lankan citizens, were processed by immigration authorities under Canadian law before being sent to temporary camps and then allowed to settle while awaiting…

The Not-So-Mighty Dollar

Could world finance be on the brink of cataclysmic change? December 2009
I first noticed that something had changed when I visited Damascus in the summer of 2006. Previously, the way to enter Syria without a month-long wait for a visa had involved flying to the capital, having a pre-arranged meeting with a certain man at the airport and giving him an envelope containing $200 in greenbacks. This…