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From the archives


The Breadbasket’s potash problem

Meanwhile In Another Forest…

Canada’s trees, and the long history of another era’s resource war

Stars and Swipes

Shared moments and diverging paths

Genevieve Lehr

Genevieve Lehr was born in Newfoundland and lives in Halifax. Her poetry has been published in a number of literary journals in Canada and abroad. She is the editor of Come and I Will Sing You: A Newfoundland Songbook (University of Toronto Press, 1985, reprinted 2003) and author of The Design of Wings (Running the Goat Press, 2004) and The Sorrowing House (Brick Books, 2004). Her latest poetry collection, Stomata, is forthcoming from Brick Books in October 2016. Her poem “the latter half of the third quarter of the waning moon” was co-winner of the Malahat Review’s 2015 Long Poem Prize.

Articles by
Genevieve Lehr