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This Is America

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Gregory Shupak

Gregory Shupak wrote The Wrong Story: Palestine, Israel, and the Media.

Articles by
Gregory Shupak

Remembering Mavis

When she looked out the window October 2022
Style, Mavis Gallant once explained, is “the distillation of a lifetime of reading and listening, of selection and rejection.” The remarkable range of genres and media that the celebrated author consumed helps illuminate her aesthetics, her powerful epiphanies, and her inimitable writing. Indeed, it’s difficult to think of other postwar short fiction writers (particularly Canadian ones) whose work has such…

Occupy the Shelf

The tents are gone, but here come the books January–February 2013
It has been a year and a half since the Occupy movement first emerged, adding the concepts of “the 99 percent” and “the one percent” to the public consciousness and getting large segments of the North American population talking and thinking about economic inequality for the first time in decades. Nor is Occupy dead. Since the eviction of the…