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A little from column A, a little from column B

Jean McNeil

Jean McNeil has recently published Day for Night.

Articles by
Jean McNeil

Requiem for a European

Parting is such sweet sorrow July | August 2021
The immigration hall at Heathrow Terminal 5 is hyper-lit, with 2001: A Space Odyssey oblong lights that blare down from the ceiling. My flight lands early, just after the 6 a.m. threshold the airport maintains to reduce night noise, but already hundreds of people are stacked up in snaking queues, bleary-eyed, muffled in masks. It is the last day of January 2021 and my first time arriving home to London after…


Here is a coast and here is a harbour September 2020
Think of the long trip home.Should we have stayed at home and thought of here?Where should we be today?Is it right to be watching strangers in a playin this strangest of theatres?— Elizabeth Bishop On February 29, the calendar’s most elusive…