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From the archives

Copy Cats

A little from column A, a little from column B

Two Other Solitudes

The India-Canada relationship has taken a long time to develop

Liberal Interpretations

Making sense of Justin Trudeau and his party

Jeet Heer

Jeet Heer, a Regina-based cultural journalist is co-editor, with Kent Worcester, of Arguing Comics: Literary Masters on a Popular Medium (University of Mississippi Press, 2004) and A Comics Studies Reader (University Press of Mississippi, 2008). With Chris Ware and Chris Oliveros, he is editing a series of volumes reprinting Frank King’s Gasoline Alley, three volumes of which have been published by Drawn and Quarterly under the umbrella title Walt and Skeezix.

Articles by
Jeet Heer

On Shakespeare, Superheroes and a Cat-Bird-Human

Jeet Heer in conversation with Margaret Atwood September 2016
This fall sees the publication of not one but two works by the redoubtable Margaret Atwood: a fictional adaptation of Shakespeare’s The Tempest and a graphic novel, her first. Hag-Seed is the fourth book in the Hogarth Shakespeare Project in which contemporary authors, including (so far) Jeannette Winterson and Howard Jacobson, reimagine their favourite plays by the…

Distilling Mute Despair

A Quebec cartoonist’s sojourn in Burma produces an eloquent portrait of forced silence May 2009
Many travellers record their experiences with a camera. Guy Delisle relies on an older method of preserving memories. Using the digits of his hand rather than digital handheld devices, the artist keeps sketchbooks where he draws the sights he encounters in other lands. He then reworks these impressions into comic strip travelogues, currently available in three volumes each named after a foreign…


A new book unearths the hidden curiosities of Canadian comic book art June 2007
By 1942, Hitler’s days were filled with worry. While Germany had no trouble picking off smaller nations such as Poland, Holland and Belgium, the Third Reich now confronted an alliance of three major powers: Britain, the United States and the Soviet Union. Already at Stalingrad the once invincible Wehrmacht had met its first serious defeat and the painful and bloody retreat from the east had…