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The Superpower Next Door

Bully for you — but at what cost?

Meanwhile In Another Forest…

Canada’s trees, and the long history of another era’s resource war

Stars and Swipes

Shared moments and diverging paths

Jeff Webb

Jeff Webb is a professor of history at Memorial University of Newfoundland. Having published widely in political and cultural history, he is currently writing a book on the intellectual history of Newfoundland scholarship.

Articles by
Jeff Webb

Confederation as Conspiracy

Was Canada’s tenth province really strong-armed into the country? March 2013
When a book’s title advertises that it is “the true story,” I immediately suspect that it is not. Greg Malone’s account is, for the most part, not untrue. The government of the United Kingdom and the government of Canada decided that it would be best for all concerned if Newfoundland joined the Canadian confederation. The two governments did what they were…