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This Is America

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A little from column A, a little from column B

Jill Jorgenson

Jill Jorgenson is a Toronto writer and artist who spends her days delivering the mail. Her poetry and artwork have appeared in Descant, The New Quarterly, Arc and CV2. Cormorant Books will launch her first collection of poems, Looking East Over My Shoulder, in the spring of 2014.

Articles by
Jill Jorgenson

Bend and Backbone

January–February 2014
  What balance of bend and backbone? What measure resilience moulds malleable’s molecules such that its structure’s rearranged? Whites whipped to a froth with peaks are perky till two beats too many: then the mixture droops, begins to weep. But basket- weaving 101 needs initially wet warp and weft to work—a thin wood slat has to be…