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This Is America

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Joan Sangster

Joan Sangster is director of the Frost Centre for Canadian Studies and Indigenous Studies at Trent University.

Articles by
Joan Sangster

Horror Undimmed

A feminist scholar investigates the place of the Montreal massacre in our collective memory May 2015
In the current moment, violence against women is positioned as both a raw memory of the past as well as an evocative spectre of our present. The 25th anniversary of the Montreal massacre has now passed. Aboriginal families continue to press for a federal inquiry into the disappeared women from their communities. Speeches in Quebec recently commemorating the horrific violence of…

The Kanadian Klan

Our moral superiority to the Americans takes another hit November 2013
Canadians like to think of themselves as a relatively tolerant society that possesses a history free of the worst excesses of racial hatred, in contrast to our neighbours to the south: a Heritage Minute, for example, portrays Canada as a welcome haven for runaway American slaves. While this Heritage Minute may reflect a certain truth, Canadian historians have increasingly posited another set of…