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From the archives

The Human Factor

At the beginning of Canada’s oldest company

Sense of an Ending

Whether that nation can long endure

Those Ancient Lands

Where and when did this conflict begin?

John R. Colombo

John Robert Colombo, author and anthologist, compiler of The Penguin Dictionary of Popular Canadian Quotations (Penguin, 2006) and other reference works, is completing The Canadian Adventures of Jules Verne, The Big Book of Canadian Jokes and the first-ever collection of Sax Rohmer’s occasional writings.

Articles by
John R. Colombo

Posthumous Portraits

The art and joys of the obituary November 2012
“Canada has been the death of him,” wrote John Stuart Mill on the passing of John Lambton, Lord Durham, in 1840, at the age of 48, the year after the Englishman completed his famous Report on the Affairs of British North America. I was reminded of Mill’s terse comment when I opened the review copy of Working the Dead Beat: 50 Lives that Changed Canada

The Court Jester

A brilliant teller of tales looks back over millions of words January–February 2011
There comes a time in every man’s life (and every woman’s too, I assume) when the realization dawns that it is time to tidy up. If that man or woman is a writer, this process of tidying up takes the form of reviewing one’s accomplishments, putting one’s papers in order and (as in this instance at least) preserving one’s records and one’s…