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This Is America

A promissory note not yet paid

Campaign Literature

Displaying Trudeau's charm and empathy—which might not be enough

Lev Bratishenko

Lev Bratishenko has written for Abitare, Canadian Architect, Cabinet, the CBC, Disegno, Gizmodo, The Guardian, Icon, Maclean’s, the Montreal Gazette, Opera News and Uncube. He is co-editor of It’s All Happening So Fast: A Counter-History of the Modern Canadian Environment, the book that accompanies the eponymous exhibition at the Canadian Centre for Architecture.

Articles by
Lev Bratishenko

Survival of the … Noblest?

Why environmentalism is failing January 2017
Since the 1970s, departments of the environment have been created in governments around the world; hundreds of conservation and protection acts have been passed, thousands of hectares of land set aside from development, and dozens of toxic and harmful chemicals banned. Today there are more than a thousand environmental treaties in place, and a seventh of the Earth’s landmass is officially protected in some…

Jane Jacobs’s Tunnel Vision

Why our cities need less Jane Jacobs October 2016
My introduction to Jane Jacobs was completely ordinary. Like many, many architecture students since its publication in 1962, I read The Death and Life of Great American Cities for an introductory course in urbanism. Jacobs was a joy to read, whip-crack smart and caustically funny, and she wrote in impeccable, old-school sentences that convinced you with their unimpeded…