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M. Travis Lane

M. Travis Lane went to Fredericton, New Brunswick, in 1960, loved it, became Canadian in 1973. Her 15th collection of poetry, Crossover, will be brought out by Cormorant Press in 2015. A monograph on her work by Shane Neilson, Jan Zwicky and Jeanette Lynes is also coming out shortly.

Articles by
M. Travis Lane

A Little Advice from the Matriarch

January–February 2015
  1 If you want to see far, turn your back on the sun.   Don’t look for the road you are walking on.   2 Knock at your door. That was your self you were talking to.   Politeness can’t hurt.   3 Don’t shout at the ox! You must care for it.   4 I had no name when I came…
  At St. Martin’s the stones are celadon, olive, ochre, and lavender, rose-cream.   At La Villette the sands were grey and pale brown like a tawny fur.   The night we walked up from the beach our shadows strode before us, more defined   than our dusk selves. No rocks, no gems, nothing to carry home with us —…