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This Is America

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A little from column A, a little from column B

Michael Fenn

Michael Fenn is a former Ontario deputy minister and founding CEO of two Crown agencies (a local health integration network and Metrolinx). He is a director of the OMERS AC pension board and author of several recent published reports on future infrastructure investment. He has also published From Torture to Triumph: The Lost Legend of a Man Who Opened America—Guillaume Couture (Lulu Press, 2015). His comments in this article do not necessarily reflect the views of the organizations with which he is associated.

Articles by
Michael Fenn

Government Inc.

A new book questions the efficacy of public-private partnerships. January–February 2016
Over the next several years, Canadian governments at all levels will undertake a multi-billion dollar attack on the so-called infrastructure deficit. Good infrastructure decisions will serve us for generations, expanding the quality and sustainability of our public services, improving productivity and increasing employment. Poor decisions will burden us for decades. We must also choose the right…