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Myna Wallin

Myna Wallin is a poet, prose writer, editor and host of In Other Words on CKLN 88.1 FM, where she interviews authors from across Canada. Her first full-length collection of poetry, A Thousand Profane Pieces, was published by Tightrope Books in 2006. She also co-hosts the Art Bar Poetry Reading Series, co-organizes the Toronto Small Press Book Fair and has recently become poetry editor of Tightrope Books.

Articles by
Myna Wallin

Requiem to a Marriage

A poem January–February 2008
Lead with what you know: Sex, then. It’s always been my strong suit. I could make a man feel like an electric current was blazing through him. I know; I’ve seen that amazed look many times. Their appetite for me was so strong — I thought fire leapt from my pupils. I had a tiny mole to the left of my…