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From the archives

Copy Cats

A little from column A, a little from column B

Two Other Solitudes

The India-Canada relationship has taken a long time to develop

Liberal Interpretations

Making sense of Justin Trudeau and his party

P. K. Page

P.K. Page writes: “I find the glosa form intriguing, from the initial search for four stealable lines, to the almost crossword puzzle-like execution of the poem itself. A new book of glosas is my ongoing project. I have recently published a book of essays, The Filled Pen: Selected Non-Fiction (University of Toronto Press, 2006) and a book of short stories, Up on the Roof (Porcupine’s Quill, 2007). Forthcoming: Jake the Baker Makes a Cake, a children’s play in verse.

Articles by
P. K. Page

soft travellers

September 2007
some words can make you weep, when they’re uttered, the light rap of their destinations, their thud as if on peace, as if on cloth, on air, they break all places intended and known —Dionne Brand, “Inventory” there is magic, of course, and among the many magics there are words — spell binders, but there is also…