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This Is America

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A little from column A, a little from column B

Pamela Porter

Pamela Porter’s poems have won the Vallum Magazine Poem of the Year Award, the Prism International Grand Prize for Poetry, the FreeFall Magazine Poetry Prize and the Malahat Review 50th Anniversary Poetry Prize. Her third book of poetry, Cathedral (Ronsdale Press, 2010), was shortlisted for the Pat Lowther Award.

Articles by
Pamela Porter

Hudson’s Hope

March 2013
  Her loneliness said return, but by then the dam covered the canyon with its dark cloth. Standing on the precipice, she remembered everything: how once, she was a girl who lay on her back in a barn, and the canyon filled with sky, a sea whose fish were named sparrow, swallow,…

Peace Country

March 2013
  Nearly May and snow holding to the north side of the barn, grass sodden with melt, her boots soaked through to bone. And beside, an open shed tumbling out grey wood, and the drowning-pond’s treacherous ice covering its own darkness below the vista of budded birch and fir, the barn windows spilling their damp…