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Paul Wilson

Paul Wilson is a writer and translator who lives in the Town of the Blue Mountains. His most recent translation is Mr. Kafka and Other Tales from the Time of the Cult, a collection of short stories by the Czech writer Bohumil Hrabal, published last year by New Directions.

Articles by
Paul Wilson

The Other Tradecraft

Writing, more than espionage, is the subject of le Carré’s memoir—all the better for his fans. October 2016
“These are true stories told from memory,” John le Carré writes in his introduction to this wide-ranging collection of personal anecdotes drawn from a lifetime of living and writing. But, he cautions, “was there ever such a thing as pure memory? I doubt it. Even when we convince ourselves that we’re being dispassionate, sticking to the bald facts with no self-serving decorations or…

Arcadia in Peril

Defending idyllic rural communities takes more than a sense of place. March 2009

Conventional Wisdoms

The “natural governing party” goes through atavistic rituals to try to recapture its place in the sun. March 2007