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From the archives

The Superpower Next Door

Bully for you — but at what cost?

Meanwhile In Another Forest…

Canada’s trees, and the long history of another era’s resource war

Stars and Swipes

Shared moments and diverging paths

Sarah Wylie Krotz

Sarah Wylie Krotz is a professor of Canadian literature at the University of Alberta.

Articles by
Sarah Wylie Krotz


Meanwhile, down below October 2020
In early May, thousands of sandhill cranes, oblivious to the lockdown that had been under way for about six weeks, flew over Edmonton en route to their northern breeding grounds. Their muted calls were reminiscent of waxwings, for which I scanned the nearby trees before realizing that the sound came from thousands of feet up in the…

Men with Boats

Map-making, mythmaking, and the Canadian wild December 2017
Maps tell stories: their lines and names forge relationships between people and the land, and among disparate communities; they assert beliefs as well as scientific facts; they not only record what is there, but they also dream places into existence. These dreams are especially visible on historical maps drawn long before satellite images filled in the unknown…