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Sheema Khan

Sheema Khan, author of Of Hockey and Hijab: Reflections of a Canadian Muslim Woman (TSAR Publications, 2009), is a hockey mom who played house league at McGill and Harvard universities.

Articles by
Sheema Khan

Minor Hockey as Big Business

The disturbing shift from kids’ game to pricey investment May 2013
on pays, ce n’est pas un pays, c’est le hockey would be an apt way to describe our identity. Whether the World Juniors, the Stanley Cup, international championships or the Olympics, our collective mood rides on the efforts of athletes who give their heart and soul to do this country proud. Christine Sinclair and the Olympic women’s soccer team followed a majestic path of true grit last…

Bridging the Divide

Sheema Khan describes how a Canadian business executive has made common cause with the women of Yemen July–August 2010
As Greg Mortenson describes it in Three Cups of Tea and Stones into Schools, his fervent desire to build a school for the Afghan village of Korphe was about to bear fruit after much self-sacrifice. Mortenson had sold all of his worldly possessions, navigated through the complexities of village politics and secured resources for the arduous task in the rugged Afghan…