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Steven Threndyle

Steven Threndyle lives a short hike away from Vancouver’s North Shore mountains.

Articles by
Steven Threndyle

Walkie Talkie

One wayfarer’s history of Vancouver March 2025
Not long ago, Vancouver’s alternative weekly newspaper, the Georgia Straight, posed a question that (for once) was not about real estate or housing: “Crows, yay or nay?” Two columnists drew swords. “See, we’re not alone!” said my wife. As I sat on our sunny porch to review Bill Arnott’s A Perfect Day for a Walk

Hitting the Ground Walking

Along Ontario’s Bruce Trail September 2024
Hang around the footwear department at your local Mountain Equipment Company as I do, and you’ll soon understand that walking with a purpose — which is more than merely putting one foot in front of the other — has become hugely popular. Inspired by fiction (Rachel Joyce’s The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry

Mountain Do

Those who reach great heights June 2024
In January 2021, ten Nepali climbers solved what mountaineers liked to call “the last great problem”: a winter ascent of the notorious K2. On this expedition, in contrast to many others, no Western “clients” accompanied the Sherpas, some of whom celebrated by dropping their oxygen masks and singing their national anthem on the summit, the world’s second…

In the Shadow of Giants

Rooting around in the forest September 2023
Not far from our North Vancouver home there’s a stand of old-growth Douglas firs that I first read about in Randy Stoltmann’s Hiking Guide to the Big Trees of Southwestern British Columbia, from 1987. Stoltmann, whom I met on a few occasions before he died in a backcountry skiing accident in 1994, tracked down and measured humongous coastal…