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Terry Fenge

Terry Fenge is an Ottawa-based consultant. He was research director and senior negotiator for the Tungavik Federation of Nunavut, the Inuit organization that negotiated the 1993 Nunavut Land Claims Agreement.

Articles by
Terry Fenge

Paper Promises

By avoiding treaty obligations, Canada undermines its own legal basis July–August 2014
The Government of Canada is not keeping all of the promises it made to aboriginal peoples in 24 “modern” treaties, mostly in the North, negotiated over the last 40 years, ratified by aboriginal peoples and Parliament, and guaranteed by the Constitution of Canada. The Supreme Court of Canada says treaties should “reconcile” aboriginal and non-aboriginal…

Northwest Passage Hold ’Em

For an Arctic sovereignty win, Canada needs to honour its treaty with Nunavut’s Inuit April 2013
Asserting sovereignty in the Arctic is a key feature of Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s northern policy. His government is pursuing this goal by strengthening Canada’s military presence in the region, investing in “world class” research facilities in Nunavut and building a new polar class icebreaker to be named the John G. Diefenbaker. There is no doubt about the prime minister’s…

The Race for the Arctic

Canada’s ace in the hole is our Inuit population March 2010
Since he left Duke University in 2004 and returned to his native Canada to take up residence at the University of British Columbia, Michael Byers has become a frequently quoted commentator on public policy. His most recent book, Who Owns the Arctic? Understanding Sovereignty Disputes in the North, surveys boundary and jurisdiction disputes in the “Canadian” Arctic and urges the Government of Canada to cool the…