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Copy Cats

A little from column A, a little from column B

Two Other Solitudes

The India-Canada relationship has taken a long time to develop

Liberal Interpretations

Making sense of Justin Trudeau and his party

Back Issues

April 2006

Cover art and pictures throughout the issue by Cinders McLeod Cinders McLeod studied art, performance, filmmaking and television in England. She played doublebass and sang in a band that toured Britain and Europe for five years, cartooned for British newspapers for ten and moved back to Toronto with her Glaswegian family five years ago. She has cartooned and designed for The Globe and Mail ever since.

Not So Fast, Reformers

Why fix a Canadian electoral system that isn't broken?

Paul Wilson

Lots of Sex, Please, We’re Humans

Are we really biologically coded to want it insatiably?

Jacqueline Murray

Plus ça change

A new book reveals startling continuities in Canadian foreign policy.

Size Matters

The science of the very small produces quite a small book.

Robert J. Sawyer

The Judges and the Media

Whose story prevails when journalists report on the Court?

Kirk Makin

Mystery in the Tropics

A Cape Breton priest is murdered on a Caribbean island.

Charles Wilkins

Dazzling and Disappointing

A brilliant study of gender and destiny needs more novel and less discourse.

Jamie Zeppa

Surviving the Commune

An uneven but engaging depiction of growing up at the mercy of hippies.

Cathy Stonehouse

The Carrot and the Stick

Social change and tougher sentencing are both essential in combating violent crime.

Elliott Leyton

Wood, Glass and Stone

A new book showcases the character and excellence of Canadian architecture.

Joe Berridge

An Incendiary Tale

Torture and revenge stalk this dark episode of Canadian history.

Desmond Morton

A Literary Horserace

In which our reviewer declares the book a winner, but only by a nose.

George Jonas

The Hapless Hunt for Paradise Lost

A Canadian historian says we have been off track since biblical times.

Wade Rowland

Why Are We in Afghanistan?

Four early deaths set the scene for an unsettling future.

Bruce Rolston