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July–August 2010

COVER ART AND PICTURES THROUGHOUT THE ISSUE BY WES TYRELL. Wes Tyrell is a freelance illustrator and cartoonist. Prior to his life as a freelancer, Wes ran a hotel in Cuba and is currently writing about these bizarre experiences in a graphic novel, Fidel & I. Wes has drawn for Maclean’s, The Globe and Mail, Dogs in Canada and the BBC. Contact Wes at

Getting Past “Yes” or “No”

Our debate over multiculturalism needs more nuance

Jeffrey G. Reitz

Here, Now

Canadian writers, living on the edge of the world, have the best view.

Stephen Marche

Where Have All The Stories Gone?

A brilliant reader champions narrative as our key to understanding chaos.

Dana Hansen

Hitting the Road

Thirteen of Canada’s leading writers pick essential stops on a cross-country literary tour.

Bridging the Divide

Sheema Khan describes how a Canadian business executive has made common cause with the women of Yemen

Sheema Khan

Fearful Acrimony

The seductive danger of scapegoating Quebec.

André Pratte

The Truth Hurts

Despite a gruelling investigative chase, we may never know the full story of Mulroney, Schreiber and Airbus.

Cecil Rosner

Art for Whose Sake?

One cultural mandarin’s take on the politics of funding.

Sarah Jennings

Urban Solace

A portrait of Toronto as both judging and compassionate protector.

Mary Jo Leddy

Servant of the Servants of Distraction

An aged teacher’s search for relevance takes him from B.C. to Hollywood.

Richard Cumyn

Playing to His Base

Two books track the rise of Christian and social conservatism in Harper’s Ottawa.

Jonathan Malloy

Lincoln’s Prophet

Prose portrait of a narcissistic mystic

Dennis Duffy