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Copy Cats

A little from column A, a little from column B

Two Other Solitudes

The India-Canada relationship has taken a long time to develop

Liberal Interpretations

Making sense of Justin Trudeau and his party

Back Issues

March 2008

Cover art and pictures throughout the issue by Sylvia Nickerson. Since graduating from art school in 2001, Sylvia Nickerson has designed books, illustrated for magazines, tutored mathematics, worked as an arts administrator in the Canadian book publishing industry and completed an M.A. in the history of science. Her illustrations have been published in The Coast, the New Quarterly, Carousel Magazine, Briarpatch Magazine, The Dominion and The Globe and Mail. To see more of her art go to

Constabulary Duties

When did the phrase “to serve and protect” begin to ring so hollow?

Paul F. McKenna

Dystopic Utopia?

An optimistic book lends itself to a pessimistic analysis

Tarek Fatah

Darwin on My Mind

Evolutionary theory best explains how—and why—we reason.

Michael Ruse

Our Man in Bhutan

How a Canadian Jesuit founded a secular education system in a remote mountain nation

David M. Malone

Risk-Prone Rogers

A close-up look at Canada’s communications mogul.

Peter Hadekel

The Defender of Stories

From Gilgamesh to Atanarjuat, they have a civilizing influence.

Charles Foran

Home Schooling with a Difference

A father connects with his son through the medium of movies.

Natalee Caple

Where Derring-Do Can Lead

A journalist recounts his adventures but not their personal cost.

Michael Valpy

The Head-Counting Game

A new book tries to demystify the art and science of polling, with mixed results.

Steven D. Brown

Worse Than Dying

The unending legacy of the Halifax Explosion haunts a conflicted heroine.

Robin Roger

Delightfully Morbid, Acutely Droll

A mystery that mixes dark humour with Victorian grit.

Mark Frutkin

Three Artists

Two sculptors and a photographer in the early 20th century.

Adele Freedman

Diplomats: Do We Need Them?

Canadian ex-ambassadors tell stories about their work abroad.

Martin Laflamme

Canon Making with a Vengeance

Did some inferior works creep into the Canadian pantheon? If so, why?

Robert Lecker

Catching Ottawa’s Attention

There’s how-to pragmatism, and then there’s moral leadership.

John Sewell