May 2005

"But We Were Feeling Happy"
Can the paradoxes of human emotion be best explained by art or by experimental psychology?
Rebecca SaxeHousing: Who Is Responsible?
In Canada it is a classic case of falling between the cracks.
John SewellNinety-Seven Years and Counting
A biography of one of our great economists is strong on personality, weak on legacy.
William WatsonChoosing Supreme Court Judges
A judicial scholar asks when we will devise a credible system of appointments.
Jacob ZiegelGoing Home Again ... or Not
An immigrant writer feels estranged from both her old and new cultures.
Robin RogerA Strange and Evocation Quest
A boy from the Black Country's painful but hilarious search for self.
Graham HarleyJohn Stuart Mill versus the Supreme Court of Canada
Should freedom of expression trump social norms? You be the judge.
Mark J. FreimanThe Corporation Dilemma
What do humans run on: selfishness or an innate moral impulse?
Peter HadekelHarmless Dragons
Peter Newman has produced a highly readable but unserious autobiography.
Reed ScowenThe Glamour of Lost Causes
How the French Empire was erased from this continent by disciplined troops and money.
Philip Marchand