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Copy Cats

A little from column A, a little from column B

Two Other Solitudes

The India-Canada relationship has taken a long time to develop

Liberal Interpretations

Making sense of Justin Trudeau and his party

Back Issues

May 2012

Cover art and pictures throughout this issue by Norman Yeung Norman Yeung works in film, theatre and visual arts. Visit him at

The Franklin Mystery

As Canada stakes its claim to the “New North,” the expedition’s lost wreckage has gone from Victorian fixation to strategic linchpin

Adriana Craciun

Nuremberg’s Forgotten Doppelganger

A cautionary tale of victors’ justice

Erna Paris

Liberal Baggage

The national party’s greatest burden may be its past success

David Eaves and Taylor Owen

Fossil Policies

In a world ever thirstier for oil, Canada’s approach to energy development needs fundamental rethinking

George Anderson

Winnipeg's Sacred Monster

How a Hungarian war orphan became one of North America’s most brilliant — and mercurial — theatre directors

Denis Johnston

Persuasive Posters

The ad campaigns that shaped a young nation

Reporting the Future

When fiction trumps clean, simple facts

John Burns

The Complications of Colour

A runaway slave leaves the U.S. as black and arrives in Canada as white

Richard Cumyn

The Enigmatic Monarch

A novel brings Catherine the Great to life but leaves unanswered questions

Ana Siljak

Unchartered Waters

Can we reform health care effectively, without Ottawa?

Katherine Fierlbeck

Kill the Kids' Menu

The uphill battle to give children good food … and get them to eat it

Robin Ganev

The Book of Hours

How circadian rhythms control our lives

Judy Stoffman

Great War, Great Warriors?

An insightful new history of indigenous soldiers in World War One

R. Scott Sheffield

The Very Model of a Modern Governor General

Roméo LeBlanc filled the bill with loyalty, friendliness, and patriotism

Geoffrey Stevens

What Happened to Russia

The end of the USSR is rife with what-ifs and could-have-beens

Olivia Ward

Post-Economic Politics in Canada

Despite the 2008 crisis, left and right increasingly agree on fiscal policy

Andrew Coyne