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From the archives

This Is America

A promissory note not yet paid

Copy Cats

A little from column A, a little from column B


We were hoping

you might think

things through,

try to get over it.


No matter your

beloved Cavaradossi

lies executed

at your feet,


Liberty is in the air,

Art will prevail and

you, luscious diva,

can love again.


Floria, stop! Let

fly your faith to

unfetter hope. Just

this time, please —


please don’t jump. Fling

that nasty Spoletta

off the parapet instead.


Mary H. Rykov is a Toronto-based music therapist and academic editor who has written and reviewed for such as The Arts in Psychotherapy, Journal of Palliative Care and the Journal of Health Psychology. Her poems have been published in Carousel, Misunderstandings Magazine and Jones Avenue, and anthologized in Close to Quitting Time: An Anthology Depicting the Various Facets of Work (Ascent Aspirations, 2011) and The Art of Poetic Inquiry (Backalong Books, 2012). She searches for a publisher for her first poetry collection, Dear Mr. Rilke and Other Poems.

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Ray Argyle Kingston, Ontario

