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From the archives

The Envoy

Mark Carney has a plan


Old stories of a new virus

Golden Boy

The life of John Turner

Night’s Work

Kelly Norah Drukker is the author of Small Fires, a collection of poems published by the Hugh MacLennan Poetry Series of McGill-Queen’s University Press (2016). Born in Montreal, she grew up in the Laurentian region of Quebec, and has worked and taught English in the United Kingdom, Ireland, Switzerland and France. Her poetry and creative non-fiction have appeared in numerous Canadian and international journals. Kelly’s poetry has received a CBC Literary Award (2006) and a Norma Epstein Prize in Creative Writing (2013), and has been longlisted for the Montreal International Poetry Prize (2011). She holds a master’s degree in English and creative writing from Concordia University, and is pursuing a doctorate in humanities at Concordia.

